
Staying Safe Online

HOST: Detective Sargeant John Woodley

WHEN: Tue 28th Oct, 7.30pm-9pm

WHERE: Anglia Ruskin University

As the Internet becomes a normal part of daily life, there are many questions about how we can keep our children safe online. As scammers become smarter we all have to become more educated about how to recognise if an e-mail that we receive is genuine or potentially harmful. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat are also potential causes for parental concern. At the same time, social media is helping to fight crime. Come and hear Detective Sargeant John Woodley and David White from Essex Police share their knowledge and stories.

Booking required. www.anglia.ac.uk/community or call 01245 684723.

Chelmsford Ideas Festival Mystery Hunt is commissioned by Chelmsford Ideas Hub, for Chelmsford Ideas Festival 2014.
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